Shared House Renting: Pros and Cons in the UK

Discover the Joys of Co-Living

Are you tired of high rental costs and love the idea of communal living? A shared house might be the perfect solution for you. Shared houses offer an affordable, vibrant, and social living experience that many find appealing. But, like with anything, there are pros and cons to consider. Let’s dive into the world of shared house renting in the UK and see if it’s the right fit for your lifestyle.

Shared House Renting: Pros and Cons in the UK

The Upsides of Shared House Living


One of the most compelling reasons to opt for a shared house is affordability. Renting a room in a shared house often costs significantly less than renting an entire apartment. This makes it an attractive option for students, young professionals, or anyone looking to save money.

Built-in Social Network

Living in a shared house can be a great way to meet new people. It’s like having an instant social network. Whether you’re new to a city or simply looking to expand your social circle, a shared house provides a built-in community.


Most shared houses come fully furnished, which means you won’t have to worry about buying or moving furniture. Utilities are often included in the rent, simplifying your monthly budgeting.

Flexible Terms

Shared houses often offer more flexible lease terms compared to traditional rentals. This can be especially beneficial if you’re uncertain about your long-term plans.

The Downsides of Shared House Living

Limited Privacy

One of the biggest drawbacks of shared house living is the lack of privacy. You’ll share common areas like the kitchen, living room, and sometimes bathrooms with your housemates. If you value your privacy, this can be a significant downside.

Potential for Conflict

Living with others means adapting to different lifestyles and habits. Conflicts can arise over issues like cleanliness, noise, and shared responsibilities. Effective communication and compromising are essential skills for harmonious shared living.

Less Control Over Living Environment

In a shared house, you have less control over the living environment. You can’t choose your housemates, and you may have to deal with different personalities and habits.

Tips for Thriving in a Shared House

Choose Wisely

Take the time to find a shared house that suits your lifestyle. Look for housemates with similar habits and schedules. Many websites and platforms, including AnySqft, offer detailed profiles of potential housemates to help you make an informed decision.

Set Ground Rules

Setting ground rules from the beginning can help prevent conflicts. Discuss expectations for cleanliness, noise levels, and shared responsibilities. Clear communication is key to a harmonious living arrangement.

Respect Privacy and Space

Even in a shared living situation, it’s important to respect each other’s privacy and personal space. Be mindful of noise levels, especially during late hours, and always knock before entering someone’s room.

Real-Life Examples and Testimonials

Case Study: Jane’s Experience in London

Jane, a young professional, moved to London and opted for a shared house to save on rent. She found a house through AnySqft that matched her preferences. “Living in a shared house has been a fantastic experience. I’ve made lifelong friends and saved a ton of money. The key is to be open-minded and respectful,” Jane shares.

Case Study: Tom’s Journey in Manchester

Tom, a university student in Manchester, chose a shared house to immerse himself in the local community. “It’s been great for my social life. We have movie nights and cook together. The only challenge is coordinating cleaning schedules, but we’ve found a system that works for everyone.”

FAQs About Shared House Living

What is a shared house?

A shared house is a housing arrangement where individuals rent out separate rooms within the same house while sharing common areas like the kitchen and living room.

How much can I save by living in a shared house?

Savings can vary, but many find that shared house living can save them hundreds of pounds per month compared to renting an entire apartment.

How do I find a reliable shared house?

Using platforms like AnySqft can simplify the search process. They offer detailed listings and housemate profiles to help you find a reliable and compatible living situation.

What should I look for in potential housemates?

Look for housemates with similar lifestyles and schedules. It’s also important to consider their approach to shared responsibilities and cleanliness.


Shared house living in the UK offers a unique blend of affordability, community, and convenience. While it comes with its challenges, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks for many. By choosing wisely, setting clear ground rules, and respecting each other’s space, you can make the most of your shared living experience. Whether you’re a student, a young professional, or just someone looking to save money, a shared house might be the perfect home for you. And with platforms like AnySqft, finding the right shared house has never been easier.

FAQs about Shared House Living in the UK

What are the benefits of living in a shared house in the UK?

Living in a shared house in the UK offers affordability, a built-in social network, convenience, and flexible lease terms. It’s a great way to save money and meet new people.

How can I ensure a harmonious shared living experience in the UK?

To ensure a harmonious shared living experience in the UK, choose housemates with similar habits and schedules, set ground rules from the beginning, and respect each other’s privacy and space. Effective communication and compromise are essential for a positive living arrangement.

Where can I find reliable shared houses in the UK?

Platforms like AnySqft offer detailed listings and housemate profiles to help you find a reliable and compatible shared house in the UK.

How much can I save by living in a shared house in the UK?

Many individuals find that shared house living in the UK can save them hundreds of pounds per month compared to renting an entire apartment. It’s a cost-effective housing option for students, young professionals, and anyone looking to save money.